UPDATED ON:- 01-07-2024
Fundamentals of Agronomy
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Lecture-1 Agronomy: Definition, meaning and scope of Agronomy:- Art, science and business of crop production:-
Lecture-3 Relation of Agronomy with other disciplines of Agricultural Science:-
Lecture-4 Fields crops and classification:-
Lecture-5 Importance, ecology and ecosystem:-
Lecture-6 Seeds and sowing: Definitions of crops, variety and seed:-
Lecture-7 Factors affecting crop stands establishment: good quality seed, proper tillage, time of sowing seed rate, depth etc.:-
Lecture-8 Methods of sowing: broadcasting, drilling, dibbling, transplanting etc.:-
Lecture-9 Tillage and tilth: Definition, objectives, types, advantages and disadvantages of tillage including conservation tillage:-
Lecture-10 Crop density and geometry: plant geometry and planting geometry, its effect on growth, yield:-
Lecture-11 Crop nutrition: Definition of essential nutrients, criteria of essentiality, functional elements, classification of essential nutrients, role of macro and micro nutrients:-
Lecture-12 Nutrient absorption, active and passive absorption of nutrients, forms of plant nutrients absorbed by plants, Combined / uncombined forms:-
Lecture-13 Manures and fertilizers, nutrient use efficiency:-
Lecture-14 Sources of nutrients: Inorganic (fertilizers), organic (manures) and bio-fertilizers; their classification and characteristics, method of preparation and role of organic manures in crop production:-
Lecture-15 Integrated Nutrient Management (INM): Meaning, different approaches and advantages of INM:-
Lecture-16 Green manure- role in crop production, Definition, objectives, types of green manuring, desirable characteristics, advantages and limitations of green manuring:-
Lecture-17 Water management: Water resources of the world, India and the state:-
Lecture-18 Soil Moisture constants: Gravitational water, capillary water, hygroscopic water, Soil moisture constants:-
Lecture-19 Weeds: Definition, Importance and basics of classification of weeds and their control:-
Lecture-20 Agroclimatic zones of India and the state:-
Lecture-21 Cropping systems: Factors affecting cropping systems, major cropping patterns and systems in the country:-
Lecture-22 Sustainable crop production: Definition, importance and practices, natural resources and conservation, pollution and pollutants:-
Lecture-23 Allelopathy: Meaning and importance in crop production:-
Lecture-24 Growth and development of crops: Definition and Meaning:-
Lecture-25 Factors affecting growth and development:-
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